Growing Preference for Custom Shirts

2 Jan

Although the garment industry is enjoying a billion-dollar business with ready-made shirts for all occasions and consumers, there is a growing market for custom shirts. More and more consumers are turning to custom shirts that include dress shirts, button ups, camp and even tees.
Custom shirts are popular with both men and women who want the best of apparel that is special, unique and fashionable.


There is no lack of custom or embroidered shirts request from the consumer market as more business executives want to be more than presentable in their business apparel. The highest standard of professional quality is desired to offer a great and positive impact to potential and current customers while leaving behind the competitors.


Embroidered or custom shirts can be well stitched dress shirts for businessmen and businesswomen who need to look distinguished for any business meeting. Well designed custom shirts have become the de facto standard for professional corporate apparel. It is not just a fashion trend that more custom shirts are preferred in the business environment; it is a required standard on business apparel to exude the confident and reliable image of the company represented.

Hence, custom dress shirts can be specifically ordered through professional embroiderers who have the skill, experience and resources. Refined stitching and sewing skills are crucial with the appropriate sewing resources such as machine and presses.
Embroidered dress shirts can be customized with the company logo or style to reflect the company. Custom dress shirts can be Oxford styled, Twill or Denim shirts.

Custom features

Custom shirts are popular embroidered shirts as they can be tailored according to the specific sizes and styles of the wearer. Custom Oxfords are popular business shirts with their formal style and an easy-to-care feature. A well embroidered Oxford shirt is not expensive without the look of a standard corporate uniform.

There are custom made denim shirts which have become classic designs that are suitable for most occasions. A custom denim shirt is necessary to complete the corporate wardrobe as companies are into ‘dress down’ days where denim apparel is allowed.

Embroidered twill shirts can be available for the corporate men or women to look smart and professional in any business meeting without looking starched up. A company logo can be embroidered on custom twill shirts to give a distinct identification to the wearer and company of high repute.

Professional stitches form the custom features that set the custom shirt apart from ready-made or off-the-rack pieces.

Popularity of Custom T-Shirts with the New Generation

2 Jan

Fashion is always on the fashionistas’ minds and hearts. It occupies their soul as they keep abreast with the fashion trends of every season. It is important for them to be always on top of their fashion display regardless of clothing, hats, designs or accessories. Every piece of garment put on must make a fashion statement that raves.

Even the simple T-shirt must be more than ordinary; hence, it is not surprising to have fashionistas going all the way out with custom T-shirts in all designs and patterns. These may include embroidered T-shirts which are lovely and appealing with a host of designs depending on creativity.
Rush embroidery services

Custom T-shirts can be stylish and unique with the assistance of rush embroidery companies which provide the necessary skills and services on embroidered shirts, polo shirts or hats. It can be a simple embroidering of personal design or a company logo on a myriad of polo shirts, golf shirts, sportswear or special caps and hats.

ImageEmbroidery is a very skilled activity of stitching a pattern or design of choice as a logo or slogan on any apparel or accessory using special resources and facilities. It can be an embroidery machine with a mapped or digitized image that gets transferred onto the desired piece of apparel or accessory.

Highly sophisticated stitching equipment is used to ensure the best of quality outcome with the different fonts, colors and sizes of letterings and pictures. Custom T-shirts are transformed with such professional embroidery services through skill and appropriate resources. There is a plethora of rush embroidery services in the market but not all may have the finesse in their stitching and designing skills and experience for the desired result.

It is not just a simple matter of using a sewing machine downloaded with a predetermined pattern to be stitched onto the desired shirt or accessory; positioning, planning, designs and meeting deadlines are part and parcel of skilled and reputable rush embroidery services in the market.


Custom tees are popular with the new generation today as such apparel offers an opportunity to be different or unique with their preferred design specifications. The young generation today prefers their own look and style with custom tees and polo shirts to distinguish themselves from their peers.

Custom tees allow consumers to choose their own apparel material and size to be printed with the desired pattern that declares the wearer’s personality, values and fashion.